International Institute for Archival Science of Trieste and Maribor – IIAS finds its origins in the Center for technical and professional problems in archives founded in 1986 on the initiative of Dr. Peter Pavel Klasinc, at the time director of the Pokrajinski Arhiv in Maribor as well as organizer of the Radenci archival meetings, conferences involving the area of the then Yugoslavia open to the participation, over time, of increasingly large numbers of archivists from foreign states such as Austria, Italy , Hungary, etc.
It was precisely due to this ever-increasing participation of foreign professionals that it was decided to found an autonomous international institute that would deal with the technical and professional problems of archival matters with particular attention to the Balkan-Danubian geographical area in order to improve quality and professionalism. of services offered, all also through the contribution of the experience of the countries with the most established archival tradition such as Austria, Germany and Italy, as well as the initiatives promoted at an international level by the International Council of Archives.
At the annual conference in 1989 it was decided to launch a publication dedicated to the problems of the sector, called “Atlanti”, the first issue of which will be released in 1991 and which in 1992 will become the official organ of the International Institute for Archival Science and grew in quality and participation after the IIAS moved to Trieste.
The publication, which continues its publication uninterruptedly, offers itself as an ideal place for comparison between different archival experiences, an agora where professionals and university professors compare themselves, seeking new solutions to common problems.
The validity of Atlanti is also demonstrated by the recent translations into Russian and Arabic intended for archivists in those countries for their training and professional updating