This is the 10th year of the Autumn Archival School organized by the IIAS; it will take place from October 24th to 29th, 2016. The participants will come from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, France, Hungary, Italy, Montenegro, Oman Sultanate, Russia, Slovenia and Turkey. The topics to be discussed will be: 1) data protection, and 2) use of archives.
As usual, the first two days will coincide with the 26th International Archival Day; it will be held at the NH Hotel conference room in Trieste. Lessons will continue at the IT room in the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) at 235, Bonomea str., to be concluded on Sunday at the Trieste State Archives (17, La Marmora str.), where the Certificate of attendance ceremony will take place. On Friday, the participants will move to Graz (Austria) to pay a visit to the Regional Archives of Styria.
Agenda of the School
Sunday October 23rd: Arrival of the participants, Welcome Dinner (NH Hotel)
Monday October 24th: 26th International Archival Day
Tuesday October 25th: 26th International Archival Day (Gala Dinner at Savoia Hotel)
Wednesday October 26th: Opening of the School (SISSA): Maria GUERCIO (Sapienza University of Rome), Audit and certification for digital preservation: an overview on ISO 16363; Stefano ALLEGREZZA (University of Udine), Data security and reliability of digital memories; Bogdan POPOVICI (National Archives of Romania, Brasov County Division) – Zdenka SEMLIC RAJH (Regional Archives Maribor) – Miroslav NOVAK (Regional Archives Maribor), Workshop on Records in Contexts: next level in archival description
Thursday October 27th: Monica MARTIGNON (University of Venice), (Current) archives between privacy and FOIA; Tatjana HAJTNIK (Archives of the Republic of Slovenia), Conservation of formats as one of the basic strategies for long-term digital preservation; Francis GARABA (Senior Lecturer University of KwaZulu-Natal), Pockets of excellence and mediocrity: the state of archives in South Africa, 1994-2016; Antonio MONTEDURO (CEI – Central European Initiative Executive Secretariat), Workshop on the IIAS Dictionary of Archival Terminology
Friday October 28th: Visit to the Styrian Provincial Archives in Graz
Saturday October 29th: Giorgetta BONFIGLIO DOSIO (University of Padua), What are this archives useful for?; Zdenka SEMLIC RAJH (Regional Archives Maribor) – Miroslav NOVAK (Regional Archives Maribor), Archivist in relation to the development opportunities and pitfalls of modern archival theory and practice; Certificates of attendance, Visit to the State Archive of Trieste
Sunday October 30th: Departure of the participants