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1. Journal scope and content
Atlanti  are journal  published  by the  International  Institute for Archival Science of Trieste and Maribor. It has an international editorial board and publishes original research, scientific and professional articles and discussions of archives and records management issues Atlanti have been published since 1991. It is published once a year in two volumes. The issues are thematic.
2. Published articles are in the official languages of the IIAS English, Italian and Slovenian as a rule, however other languages are accepted with the decision of the editorial board. All articles must have the abstract, summary and key words in English and abstract in national language if text is written in national language of the author.
3. Format and structure of contributions
Authors use Times New Roman 12p. The text should not be shorter than 6 pages and not exceed 16 typewritten pages (including tables, pictures and the list of cited sources and references).
Information about the author should be stated before the title in full form (name and surname). If there are more authors, they should define the order of their names. Any academic  or  professional  titles,  institutional  affiliation,  address  and  e-mail  address should also be stated. The author should also provide a short biography.
The title (subtitle) should be concise and informative. It should specify the content of the article. The title should contain words suitable for indexing and searching. Title and subtitle have to be in the original and English language.
The abstract should clearly define the purpose, methodology and approach, major findings and results as well as conclusions of the article and should not exceed 150 words. It should be written in English and in the national language. The author has to define up to 5 key words suitable for indexation.
Main text of the article (minimum 6, maximum 16 pages) is followed by the summary in English and reference list.
The summary should not exceed 400 words. Summaries of contributions, written in other than English language, must be written on at least 2 pages.
Paragraph levels should reflect the organization of the article. Chapters can be divided into subchapters. Numbering should follow SIST ISO 2145 and SIST ISO 690 standards (that is: 1, 1.1, 1.1.1 etc.).

4. Footnotes
ootnotes are placed at the bottom of the page and numbered with ordinal numbers from the beginning to the end of the article. Footnotes should provide additional text (author’s comments) and not bibliographic references – those can only be referred to. If the footnote refers to the whole sentence or paragraph, it is placed after the punctuation mark. If it refers to the last part of the sentence or only to the last word, it should be placed before the punctuation mark.
5. Figures and tables
The article can also include figures (photos, graphics, maps, sketches, diagrams etc.) and tables, which should be numbered. Each figure and table should have a title. Table titles are written above the table (Tab. 1: ….), figure titles below them (Fig. 1: …). If graphics are not the result of author’s work, a source has to be quoted. All graphics have to be referred to in the text (see Fig. 1, see Tab. 1) and suitable for black and white printing. Pictures should be scanned in an appropriate resolution (at least 300dpi), saved in .jpg, .tiff or .png format, submitted as a separate file and appropriately titled.
6. Citation of authors and references

In-text references include the surname of the author(s) and  year separated by a comma: … (Carruci, 2006), Carruci (2006) showed that . . .
For two authors, use an ampersand in brackets or an and in running text: . . . (Šauperl & Semlič Rajh, 2013), Šauperl and Semlič Rajh (2013) reported that . . .
For more than two authors, cite only the surname of the first author followed by et al.: . . . (Carruci et al., 1980), Carruci et al. (1980) believe that . . .
For sources with the same authors appearing at the beginning of the list and the same year, all authors should be indicated up to and including the first different author: Šauperl, Semlič Rajh, Knez, et al. (2013) . . . Šauperl, Semlič Rajh, Kerec et al. (2013) . . .
If only the editor of the work is known and no person is named as author, the editor(s) should be indicated in the same manner as for indicating the author.
For Internet sources, cite known authors as usual. Cite unknown authors as (Internet 1).
Distinguish references to more than one publication by the same author in the same year a, b, c and so on: . . . (Novak, 2002a, 2002b), Novak (2002a, 2002b) presented …
Publications stated as an example are indicated as follows: (see Klasinc, 1999 or Ratti, 2001), (for an overview, see Johnsonn et al., 2006 and Smith, 2007)For secondary references, indicated the author(s) and year of the primary source, followed by the author(s) and year of the secondary source: (Line, 1979, cited in Mihalič, 1984)
If the work is still in press, state this in place of the year
Use full names when authors are first mentioned in running text
Quotations should be marked with double quotation marks (“ ”) and page number: “The modern librarians have more competencies” (Leight 1996, pp. 4-5).
7. Reference list
Cited sources should be listed at the end of the text in a separate chapter “Referencelist”. This chapter should consist only of sources which are referred to in the text. Titles of  monographies  should  be  written  in  italics  as  also  articles’  titles  and  year  of publishing. All information should be written in original language.

Archival sources:
Document title, fond or collection, container number and Archives name.

Kippendorff,  K.  (2004).  Content  analysis:  an  introduction  to  its  methodology. 2nd  ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Carruci, Paola (2006). L’archivistica tra diplomatica e informatica: inaugurazione del corso biennale, anni accademici 2004-2006. Citta del vaticano.

Articles in Journals:
Roblek, V. (2009). Primer izpeljave analize besedila v kvalitativni raziskavi. In: Management, letnik 4, št. 1, pp. 53-69.
Sendi,  R.  (1995).  Housing  reform  and  housing  conflict:  The  privatisation  and denationalisation of public housing in the Republic of Slovenia in practice. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 19(3), pp. 435–446.

Contributions  or  chapters  in  books,  encyclopaedias,  proceedings  of conferences, meetings and seminars, and so on:
Gregory, I. (2008). Using Geographical Information Systems to Explore Space and Time in the Humanities. In: Greengrass, M., Hughes, L. (eds.), The Virtual Representation of the Past, pp.  135-146. Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate.
Zajšek, Boštjan. (2012). Oblikovanje naslovov popisnih enot glede na mednarodne arhivske standarde. In: Fras I. (ed.), Tehnični in vsebinski problemi klasičnega in elektronskega arhiviranja, pp. 581-604. Maribor : Pokrajinski arhiv.

Bachelor’s or master’s dissertation, doctoral thesis, research reports and so on:
Semlič Rajh, Zdenka (2006). Access to archival material in libraries and archives. Master’s dissertation. Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana. Faculty of Arts.

Legal and other documents:
Archives Act (2006). Official Gazette of Republic Slovenia, no. 30.
ISAD(G): General international standard  Archival Description. (2000). 2nd ed. Ottawa: International Council on Archives. Available at (accessed on 05.01.2013).

Electronic sources:
Stemler, S. (2001). An Overview of Content Analysis. In: Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation,  7(17).  Available  at:  (accessed  on 05.01.2013).

Submission and copyright
Manuscripts submitted to the publication should be original contributions and should not be under  consideration  for  publication  elsewhere  at  the same time.  The  author  is  fully responsible for the content of the article. In compliance with the guidelines, formal academic style and scientific article layout should be used. Authors are asked to submit the entire paper which is expected to be grammatically correct and without spelling or typing errors. Texts which will not comply with the guidelines will be returned with notes on corrections.
When  published,  the  author  keeps  moral  copyrights  of  the  article,  however,  material copyrights are for all times, all cases, unlimited printing and for all media transferred nonexclusively, without time and space limits to the publisher of the review, International Institute for Archival Science of Trieste and Maribor. The author also signs a Permission for publishing in the publication Atlanti.
Articles must be submitted in electronic form via e-mail to the editorial board (info@iias- ) together with scanned permissions for publishing, signed by all authors.

PeerReviewing policy:
If the article does not correspond to the publication standards, the editorial board returns it to the author for completion. If the article is not classified as scientific or professional, the editorial board decides on its publishing. If the article is classified as scientific or professional and corresponds to editorial guidelines, it is sent out for the double-blind peer review. Reviewers are chosen by the editorial board.
The reviewers consider the following:
–   Content: general interest, innovation …,
–   Methodology;
–   Paper structure;
–   Citations and references: citing consistency, references etc…
The reviewer classifies the articles and decides whether the article: a) will be published as submitted, b) needs minor corrections and will be accepted at the editorial board’s discretion, c) major revision of the article and peer re-review is required, or d) is not suitable for publication.  According  to  the  reviewer’s  opinion  the  author  corrects  or  supplements  the article. The anonymity of authors and peer reviewers during the review procedure is guaranteed. Articles are published only if they receive a positive review.

Final text and publishing preparation:
Final text must be sent to the editorial board via e-mail in MS Word format to . The editorial board prepares the text for printing. All texts are proof-read. The editorial board has the right to change the form of the paper, however, bigger changes are discussed with the author.

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