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20 Maggio 2021


Term: origjinal Language: albanian Description: NULL

20 Maggio 2021


Term: shtesë Language: albanian Description: NULL

20 Maggio 2021


Term: seleksionim Language: albanian Description: NULL

20 Maggio 2021


Term: përdorim Language: albanian Description: NULL

20 Maggio 2021

ligji për arkivat

Term: ligji për arkivat Language: albanian Description: NULL

20 Maggio 2021


Term: arkivistika Language: albanian Description: NULL

20 Maggio 2021


Term: arkivi Language: albanian Description: NULL

20 Maggio 2021


Term: arkivist Language: albanian Description: NULL

20 Maggio 2021


Term: rregullim Language: albanian Description: NULL

20 Maggio 2021


Term: rregullim Language: albanian Description: NULL

20 Maggio 2021


Term: zarf Language: albanian Description: NULL

20 Maggio 2021

i përmbledhur

Term: i përmbledhur Language: albanian Description: NULL

20 Maggio 2021


Term: fashikull Language: albanian Description: NULL

20 Maggio 2021


Term: skedar Language: albanian Description: NULL

20 Maggio 2021


Term: udhërrëfyes Language: albanian Description: NULL

20 Maggio 2021

subject file

Term: subject file Language: english Description: NULL

20 Maggio 2021


Term: sub-series Language: english Description: A body of documents within a series readily identifiable in terms of filing arrangement, type, form, or content (ICA)

20 Maggio 2021

summary of records

Term: summary of records Language: english Description: Finding aid. It describes sistematically all the fonds retained in an archival institution or in a multiplicity of archival institutions having the same institutional nature (CARUCCI)

20 Maggio 2021


Term: title Language: english Description: NULL

20 Maggio 2021


Term: transfer Language: english Description: Operation by which a central or local state authority transfers periodically the non-current documentation to the appropriate State Archives after a disposal (CARUCCI)

20 Maggio 2021

transfer list

Term: transfer list Language: english Description: NULL

20 Maggio 2021

unit of description

Term: unit of description Language: english Description: A document or set of documents in any physical form, treated as an entity, and, as such, forming the basis for a single description (ISAD)

20 Maggio 2021


Term: user Language: english Description: Person or institution making use of an archive (IIAS)

20 Maggio 2021

workflow management

Term: workflow management Language: english Description: NULL

20 Maggio 2021

working papers

Term: working papers Language: english Description: NULL

20 Maggio 2021


Term: shfrytëzm Language: albanian Description: NULL

20 Maggio 2021


Term: pikëhyrje Language: albanian Description: NULL

20 Maggio 2021


Term: hyrje Language: albanian Description: NULL

20 Maggio 2021

قائمة الاتاحة

Term: قائمة الاتاحة Language: albanian Description: الوثيقة التي تضبط مسؤولية محتفظ الوثيقة في ضمان تعريف دقيق لمجموعة من الوثائق.

20 Maggio 2021

regjistri i hyrjeve

Term: regjistri i hyrjeve Language: albanian Description: NULL

20 Maggio 2021


Term: rritje Language: albanian Description: NULL

20 Maggio 2021


Term: blerje Language: albanian Description: NULL

20 Maggio 2021


Term: akt Language: albanian Description: NULL

20 Maggio 2021


Term: nënvijëzim Language: albanian Description: NULL

20 Maggio 2021

principle of provenance

Term: principle of provenance Language: english Description: The basic principle that records/archives of the same provenance must not be intermingled with those of any other provevance (ICA) Historical principle consisting of giving back to the series their original order (CARUCCI)

20 Maggio 2021

private archives

Term: private archives Language: english Description: Records/archives of nongovernmental provenance (ICA)

20 Maggio 2021


Term: provenance Language: english Description: The relationships between records and the organizations or individuals that created, accumulated and/or maintained and used them in the conduct of personal or corporate activity (INTERPARES)

20 Maggio 2021


Term: record Language: english Description: Written evidence of a juridical event, drawn up in conformity with particular patterns that assign to the document public and legal faith. (CARUCCI)

20 Maggio 2021

records management

Term: records management Language: english Description: A field of management responsible for the efficient and systematic control of the creation, maintenance, use, and disposition of records (ICA)

20 Maggio 2021

records schedule

Term: records schedule Language: english Description: A document providing description of records series and/or classes and specifying their authorized dispositions (INTERPARES)

20 Maggio 2021

reference number

Term: reference number Language: english Description: The unique number assigned to series, file(s), items to facilitate storage and retrieval

20 Maggio 2021


Term: registry Language: english Description: A unit of an agency responsible for the creation, control and maintenance of current records and/or semicurrent record (ICA)

20 Maggio 2021

registry principle

Term: registry principle Language: english Description: The principle that archives of a single provenance should retain the arrangement (including the reference numbers) established by the creator in order to preserve existing relationships (ICA)

20 Maggio 2021


Term: repository Language: english Description: NULL

20 Maggio 2021

restricted access

Term: restricted access Language: english Description: A limitation on access to records/archives, to individual documents or to information of a specified type (ICA)

20 Maggio 2021


Term: retention Language: english Description: The length of time that records should be retained before they are transferred to an archive (ICA)

20 Maggio 2021


Term: retrieval Language: english Description: A set of rules governing searching and finding records (INTERPARES)

20 Maggio 2021


Term: scheduling Language: english Description: NULL

20 Maggio 2021

semi-current records

Term: semi-current records Language: english Description: Records required so infrequently in the conduct of current business that they should be moved from an office to a holding area or directly to a records centre, pending their ultimate disposition (ICA)

20 Maggio 2021


Term: series Language: english Description: Every grouping of documents having homogeneous features, inside a fond. It can be structured in sub-series (CARUCCI)

20 Maggio 2021


Term: sheet Language: english Description: NULL

20 Maggio 2021


Term: storage Language: english Description: NULL

20 Maggio 2021


Term: inventory Language: english Description: Research tool. It describes analitically or sketchily all the archival units of an arranged fond (CARUCCI)

20 Maggio 2021


Term: item Language: english Description: The document or collection of documents, binded or grouped in an organic way, forming an indivisible unit: register, volume, bundle, file. When considering the totality of the documentation, an item is the box in which…

20 Maggio 2021


Term: keyword Language: english Description: A word or group of words taken from the title or text of a document characterising its content and facilitating its retrieval (ICA)

20 Maggio 2021

legal protection

Term: legal protection Language: english Description: The operational functions of the State Archival Departments concerning the guardianship on the arfhives of the central and off-center state offices and on the private archives, usually kept by the creator or by culural…

20 Maggio 2021

level of description

Term: level of description Language: english Description: The position of the unit of description in the hierarchy of the fonds (ISAD)

20 Maggio 2021


Term: list Language: english Description: A list showing sketchily the documentation included in every box and in every register of a non arranged fond, following the order in which the single units are actually stored (CARUCCI)

20 Maggio 2021

location index

Term: location index Language: english Description: Research tool to describe all the fonds stored in an institution following the order in which they are placed in the repositories (CARUCCI)

20 Maggio 2021


Term: management Language: english Description: The management of a document and the professionals dealing with this process (IIAS)

20 Maggio 2021


Term: medium Language: english Description: The physical material or substance upon which information can be or is recorded or stored (INTERPARES)

20 Maggio 2021


Term: minutes Language: english Description: The final draft of a document (ICA)

20 Maggio 2021

non-current records

Term: non-current records Language: english Description: Records no longer needed by their creator to conduct current business (ICA)

20 Maggio 2021


Term: note Language: english Description: NULL

20 Maggio 2021

open file

Term: open file Language: english Description: A file with no restrictions as to access (ICA)

20 Maggio 2021


Term: original Language: english Description: The initially created document as distinguished from any copy thereof (ICA)

20 Maggio 2021

personal data

Term: personal data Language: english Description: NULL

20 Maggio 2021

personal papers

Term: personal papers Language: english Description: The private documents accumulated by or belonging to an individual and subject to his/her disposition (ICA)

20 Maggio 2021


Term: preservation Language: english Description: The totality of processes and operations involved in the stabilization and protection of documents against damage or deterioration and in the treatment of damaged or deteriorated documents. Preservation may also include the transfer of information…

20 Maggio 2021

principle of pertinence

Term: principle of pertinence Language: english Description: A principle, now mostly rejected, for the arrangement of archives in terms of their subject content regardless of their provenance and original order (ICA)

20 Maggio 2021


Term: digitalization Language: english Description: The dump of data to a digital format (IIAS)

20 Maggio 2021


Term: disposal Language: english Description: Operation to select the part of documentation to be definitively thrown away before the rest of it is moved to a State Archives or in the historical section of a public authority (CARUCCI)

20 Maggio 2021

disposal date

Term: disposal date Language: english Description: The date on which the specified disposal actions should be initiated as provided in the preservation schedule (IIAS)

20 Maggio 2021

disposal list

Term: disposal list Language: english Description: A document providing one-time only legal authorisation for the disposal of the records specified therein (ICA)

20 Maggio 2021


Term: document Language: english Description: Written proof of a juridical event, drawn up in conformity with particular patterns that assign to the document public and legal faith. (CARUCCI)

20 Maggio 2021


Term: documentation Language: english Description: All material taht serves primarily to describe a system and make it more readily understandable, rather than to contribute in some way to the actual operation of the system (INTERPARES)

20 Maggio 2021


Term: draft Language: english Description: The copy remaiming to the sender of every paper sent (CARUCCI)

20 Maggio 2021

engrossed copy

Term: engrossed copy Language: english Description: The final copy of a document, proper in all its tangible and formal elements (CARUCCI)

20 Maggio 2021


Term: engrossement Language: english Description: NULL

20 Maggio 2021


Term: file Language: english Description: Archival unit made of documents concerning a well-defined affair, in chronological order and preserved in a folder or a binding. The file is the basic undivisible unit of an archive, whereas the folder, containing various…

20 Maggio 2021


Term: filing Language: english Description: The operations leading to the tidy arrangement and the registration of documents in an archive (IIAS)

20 Maggio 2021

filing plan / system

Term: filing plan / system Language: english Description: Classification scheme structured in categories and if needed in further sub-divisions, whereby the documents of a current archive are grouped together in a logical order (CARUCCI)

20 Maggio 2021

finding aid

Term: finding aid Language: english Description: All the tools containing an analytical or sketchy description of the archival units or of the single documents which create an archive or an archival fond (CARUCCI)

20 Maggio 2021


Term: folder Language: english Description: The documents wallet gathering all the acts of a file (IIAS)

20 Maggio 2021


Term: fond Language: english Description: The documents produced or acquired by a creator (bench, central and off-center state offices; public authorities; private institutions, families and persons) during the development of their activities. All the documents costituting the archive are therefore…

20 Maggio 2021


Term: form Language: english Description: A class of documents distinguished on the basis of common physical (e.g. water colour, drawing) and/or intellectual (e.g. diary, journal, day book, minute book) characteristics of a document (ISAD)

20 Maggio 2021


Term: guide Language: english Description: Research tool. It describes sistematically all the fonds preserved in an archival institution or in a set of archival insitutions having the same institutional character. In the first case they are called special guides, in…

20 Maggio 2021

historical archives

Term: historical archives Language: english Description: The historical archive made by a creator is the section of the documentation concerning run out affaires, to be destined – after the disposal – to a permanent preservation in order to grant in…

20 Maggio 2021

information management

Term: information management Language: english Description: The administration of information, its use and transmission, and the application of theories and techniques of information science to create, modify or improve information handling system (ICA)

20 Maggio 2021

information retrieval (system)

Term: information retrieval (system) Language: english Description: A set of procedures, usually automated, by which references to or the data contained in documents are indexed and stored in such a manner that they can be retrieved in response to specific…

20 Maggio 2021


Term: arrangement Language: english Description: NULL

20 Maggio 2021

audio-visual archives

Term: audio-visual archives Language: english Description: Archives in pictorial and/or aural form, regardless of format (ICA)

20 Maggio 2021

audio-visual records

Term: audio-visual records Language: english Description: Records in pictorial and/or aural form, regardless of format (INTERPARES)

20 Maggio 2021

authority control

Term: authority control Language: english Description: The control of standardized terms, including names (personal, corporate or geographic) used as access points (ISAD)

20 Maggio 2021


Term: box Language: english Description: Container in which the files – or in case of single not filed documents – the single documents are collected and kept. Italian synonyms: faldone, cartella, mazzo, pacco, fascio, filza (CARUCCI)

20 Maggio 2021


Term: brief Language: english Description: Summary of different extent of the contents of a single document, in which the essential elements for its identification are given: place and date, name of the author, the addressee and the parties, subject of…

20 Maggio 2021


Term: bundle Language: english Description: See: Box

20 Maggio 2021

card index

Term: card index Language: english Description: NULL

20 Maggio 2021


Term: catalogue Language: english Description: An archival finding aid describing individual documents of a specific type, e.g. maps, documents brought together for a specific purpose e.g. an exhibition or relating to a defined subject (ICA)

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