IIAS Conference 2004 – reports list
Peter Pavel KLASINC (IIAS, Slovenia), Editorial remarks: International Institute for Archival Science at the University of Maribor (IIAS/UM)
Transfer of information between archives and other archival institutions
Karl-Ernst LUPPRIAN (Generaldirektion der Staatlichen Archive Bayerns, Germany), Archival association ARIADNE – an instrument of the information interference
Elisabeth SCHÖGGL-ERNST (Steiermärkisches Landesarchiv, Austria), Der Beitrag der Archive zur Kulturarbeit des Landes
Živana HEĐBELI (Office of General Administration Service of the Croazian Parliament and the Government of the Republic of Croazia, head of Registry Office, Croazia), Transfer of information between archives and public in the Republic of Croatia
Grazia TATÒ (Archivio di Stato di Trieste, Italy), The information system of State Archives: a challenging project
Ugo COVA (Archivio di Stato di Trieste, Italy), Access to archives and their holdings: eu experience and italian legislation
Benjamin HASPEL (Tel Aviv University Archive, Israel), From rucksack mission to archival solidarity, knowledge transfer between archives. An idea and its evolution
Franc KRIŽNAR (Radio and television Ljubljana, Slovenia), The transmissions of artistic, pedagogic an scientific information in music
Dušan VERBIČ (Univerza v Ljubljani, Slovenia), Transformation of data into information and information into knowledge
Jože URBANIJA – Matjaž LULIK (Univerza v Ljubljani, Slovenia), Establishing links at the level of materials and professional communication
Mariano GARCÍA RUPEREZ – Francisco Javier AGUADO GONZALEZ (ABC Madrid, Spagna), The professional education of archivist in Spain
Peter Pavel KLASINC (IIAS, Slovenia), Information transfer between archives and other institutions
Snežana PEJOVIĆ (Archiv Kotor, Montenegro), Ways of information transfer from archival sources to archival science
Bojan PEČE (Univerza v Mariboru, Slovenia), Consequences of the slovenian archive act on storage and information transfer in archives
Michail V. LARIN (VNIIDAD Moscow, Russia), Automated information system of the russian archives
Development of archives and archival services
Marijan GERDEJ (IIAS, Slovenia), Transfer and use of archival and documentary data for business, scientific and research purposes
Jozef HANUS (Slovak National Archives, Slovak Republic): Expected developments within the European Union concerning the preservation of archives and archival services
Vilibald PREMZL (Univerza v Mariboru, Slovenia), The role and the meaning of archival buildings in urban surroundings
Peter WIESFLECKER (Steiermärchisches Landesarchiv Graz, Austria), Cooperation of the styrian provincial archives with south-eastern european archives
Azem KOŽAR (Filozofski fakultet Univerziteta u Tuzli, Bosnia and Herzegovina): Archivist’s knowledge in countries being in transition
Peter Pavel KLASINC (IIAS, Slovenia): Transition in archives and archival institution (with a special emphasys in fonds destiny in undertakings)
Raul RIOS (Genealogical Society of Utah Europe, Chile), Managing microfilm collections in the age of digital imaging
Antonio RATTI (Archivio Storico INA, Italia), Relevance today of the historical archives of INA and their supporting role in the current operations of private companies and individuals
Marie-Claude DELMAS (Centre historique des Archives nationales, France): Prévenir les sinistres: planifier et coopérer
Živana HEĐBELI (Office of General Administration Service of the Croazian Parliament and the Government of the Republic of Croazia, head of Registry Office, Croazia), Defining of archives as cultural worth
Shaban SINANI (General direction of archives, Albania), Footprints of early christian evangelical speech in the albanian bible
Franc KRIŽNAR (Radio and television Ljubljana, Slovenia), Contemporaineity and archaistic on the example of electronic data base on slovenian music
Helmut BAIER (Evang.-Lutheranische Kirche in Bayern Archiv, Germany), Churches and their archives cultural mission
Hans G. KESSLER (Landeskirchliches Archives Eisenach, Germany), Oral traditions in Transylvania